Here are two posts that are special to me and reflecting on my feelings as a new mother:
I'm "Ava-Mom"
My Breastfeeding Story with Ava
Ava's First Year:
Birth story 8lbs 2 oz / 21 inches
1-month 9lbs 14 oz / 22 1/2 inches
2 months 12 lbs 1 oz / 24 inches
3 months
4 months 15 lbs 9oz / 26 inches
5 months
6-months 18lbs 2 oz / 28 inches
9-months 20 lbs 4 oz / 29 inches
1-year 21 lbs 1oz / 30 1/2 inches
Second Year
15-months 22lbs 2oz / 32 inches
18-months 23lbs 4oz / 33 1/4 inches
Daycare stories December 2011
Ava is a vibrant baby. She likes to laugh, sing and dance to music, play with her friends, and snuggle with her Mommy and Daddy. She gives kisses all the time. I'm amazed every day when we're together how bonded and in love we have become.
Our parenting philosophy is to let Ava grow at her own pace, following her cues at each stage of development. Going with the flow is so much easier. We provide her opportunities to learn and shower her with love.
On good days I feel very balanced with my career, marriage, and motherhood, but there are days when I'm feeling pulled in different directions and exhausted. I like feeling all of it and expanding myself to learn how to make our life easier so we can be happy and present in our family life.