Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dreading the Doctor's Visit? Just Book It!

I have to admit, I was dreading going to the doctor because of a bad experience with my former doctor a year and a half ago. I was putting it off because I didn't like my doctor. Finally I asked a good friend for a referral and I'm so happy that I did because it was such a great experience! The doctor was experienced and very reassuring. Going to the doctor on a regular basis is a good practice even if you're healthy for overall wellness.

With our crazy schedules, it's hard to fit everything in like going to the dentist or doctor for check-ups. If you're fortunate enough to have health insurance, it's really a no brainer.

Top reasons not to put off your doctor's visit...(by a former procrastinator!)

  • Know your numbers for cholesterol. A quick blood sample will capture your cholestorol levels, which is a key factor in preventing heart disease. Check out the American Heart Disease site for more information. Preventing heart disease can be generally managed by a healthy lifestyle (read Mayo Clinic medicine free tips).
  • Ask questions. Before your appointment, you can think of a couple health advice questions that you might have for your doctor. Make the most of your short visit.
  • People understand, block your calendar. Employers are happy when their employees are at work, right? Just block it into your calender and stick to it. People will understand. You can ask for an email of the new patient paperwork to expedite your visit. Have your insurance card and ID ready for the visit.
  • Maintaining your health is priceless to your finacial wellbeing. When I was a financial planner, I calculated the risk to your financial well-being if you were not able to work. For those of us that aren't independently wealthy, working to earn an living is the only way! If your health prevents you from working and you're depending on disability income, most people are in deep trouble. Odds are that even with disability income and self- insured plans, you will still not be able to fund all of your financial goals. Your health is your own most valuable resource!
  • Get a referral. If you're not sure who to go to, ask a trusted source like a chiropractor, personal trainer, or family member. Referrals are valuable! If you feel uncomfortable with your doctor, like I was, try another one. Even in small towns, there are other options! I recommend confirming that your insurance is accepted at the practice when you book your appointment. Chicago Magazine publishes the top physicians every year. Check out the publications in your area for something similar.

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